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Du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 20h

What to see in Chili Santa Lucía Hill

What to see in Chili

Santa Lucía Hill

Attractions touristiques dans Santa Lucía Hill

Perched in the heart of Santiago, Chile, Santa Lucía Hill is a magical oasis that beckons travelers to embark on a captivating journey of history and natural beauty. This historic landmark rises majestically from the bustling cityscape, offering a serene escape where time seems to slow down amidst lush gardens, winding pathways, and panoramic views. As a site of significant historical importance, Santa Lucía Hill invites you to step back in time and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Chile, all while savoring moments of tranquility and inspiration in the midst of the vibrant city. With its well-maintained pathways and security measures, Santa Lucía Hill ensures a safe and enjoyable visit for travelers of all ages.

Pour le moment Santa Lucía Hill n'est pas disponible

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